August 2022 - Culture Consumed

(Latest update 15th August)

[icon name="film" prefix="fas"]"Persuasion (2022)" - initially escapist fun but by two hours I was screaming for the protagonists to get it together[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="newspaper" prefix="fas"]"BYTE Magazine", 1980 July to December - Some interesting names from history wrote articles for Byte, who knew?[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="film" prefix="fas"]"Luck" (Apple TV+), Visually reminscent of "Robots" but tries too hard to be cute and meaningful so the story was a bit strained I feel.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="film" prefix="fas"]"Thirteen Lives" - incredible story, outstanding movie![icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"God Emperor of Dune", Frank Herbert. Starting to get a little Dune fatigue, especially with Leto II spending the whole book being a bit of a d*ck...[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="tv" prefix="fas"]"The Sandman" (Netflix), faithful to the original, perfectly cast, astounding show. Tempted to immediately watch it all over again.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="headphones-alt" prefix="fas"] [icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"The Quarry", Iain Banks - Can't really help feeling this went nowhere and was a (possibly justified) rant against the world. Good audio performance though and Kit was well realised.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="xbox" prefix="fab"]"Halo Infinite" (ABANDONED) - finally admitted I can't even get through the training level; and that 99GB of disk space would be better used for something else.N/A
[icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"] [icon name="plus" prefix="fas"] [icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"The Lord of the Rings", J.R.R Tolkein, alongside "LotR A Reader's Companion", W.G. Hammond, C. Schull" - The companion added much to what is always an enjoyable and still moving re-read.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"Opal Country", Chris Hammer - a complex tale with flawed, realistic characters absolutely oozing with atmosphere. Back on form.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]

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