New Pemberley Overview

This section under construction, please check back soon (Sep 2024)

Here’s a thought - if we were to design a grand country house like Mr. Darcy’s “Pemberley” using modern ideas and materials what would it look like? And how would it “work” as a real, viable building and estate?


First though we need some ground rules to give us some context and constraints.

1) Physics exists. So we can’t place our house one a flying Island supported by an endlessly cascading waterfall.

2) Laws exist. So, as much as we are able we should abide by building codes and consider things like disabled access and sustainability.

3) Money is unlimited but not infinite. So we are not constrained by finances but should not be unnecessarily profligate. Quality materials, expensive rooms but not gold plated window fittings.

4) A specific region-so we can take account of climate and environment. We are going to be in the English Midlands, in the countryside but within a few miles of a large market town (so quite a lot like old Pemberley then)


We should define our requirements for the country house and the sort of activities that we expect it to support.

1) Act as a permanent residence for an extended family of up to 20 members, fully staffed and catered 2) Also offer permanent, self catering facilities for up to a family of six with minimal (no?) staffing 3) To have the ability to host fully catered indoor social events for up to 50 people 4) To be able to host meetings or conferences of up to 200 people with light refreshments 5) To be able to host a garden party for up to 250 guests with light refreshments 6) The ability to” mothball” all or part of the building for extended periods of time with minimal staffing.

The above has implications for sleeping, catering and domestic arrangements, but what else might we want to include in our house or its attached estate? Facilities should include:

  • a swimming pool
  • hot tub& sauna
  • gymnasium complex
  • games room
  • extensive library
  • stabling for horses
  • garaging for various vehicles
  • workshop and/or hobby room
  • ballroom/conference space

We would also like our estate to largely self contained, which implies

  • permanent and temporary staff accommodation
  • on site laundry and catering facilities
  • stand-by and backup power generation

  • extensive refrigerated, dry and frozen food storage
  • large general purpose storage areas
  • a comprehensive IT facility

And we also have some” non-functional” requirements

  • Guest and stuff areas clearly separated, including access
  • aesthetically pleasing with well disguised” services”
  • But not” in your face” flashy, it should be in keeping with both contemporary and historical vernacular architecture of the region.