December 2022 - Culture Consumed

[icon name="film" prefix="fas"]"Elvis" - Interesting story, annoying in-your-face editing, too much mumbling. But it has inspired me to read an Elvis biography...[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="headphones-alt" prefix="fas"] [icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"What Abigail Did That Summer", Ben Aaronovitch. Liked this one too, nice and tightly focussed, foxes rule![icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"Heretics of Dune", Frank Herbert. Drawn back to the Duniverse but a bit hard-going, slow story lots of talking[icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="tv" prefix="fas"]"Night Sky" Season 1 - should have checked that season 2 hadn't been canned before I started. Slow going at times but a fun and touching watch.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="scroll" prefix="fas"][icon name="book" prefix="fas"]"Why We Get the Wrong Politicians", Isabel Hardman, interesting, frustrating, well written, still want to keep away from politics![icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="scroll" prefix="fas"][icon name="book" prefix="fas"]"The Idea Factory - Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation", Jon Gertner - would have preferred more science and less personality but that's just me... A great read, and thought provoking, recommended.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="headphones-alt" prefix="fas"] [icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"Reconstructing Amelia", Kimberley McCreight - Enjoyed this, although the final reveal was slightly too much of a coincidence but the plotting and story structure was intriguing. [icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="film" prefix="fas"]"The Phantom of the Open", tour-def-force acting by Mark Rylance in a enjoyable caper - the sort of movie that seems to be coming something of a British cinema staple.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="film" prefix="fas"]"The Duke" - great fun, clever cinematography and an BAFTA worthy performance from Jim Broadbent.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]