Deadwater Fell

Amazon Prime TV


An annoyingly out of sequence Scottish set crime drama with the always excellent David Tennant. Initially it didn’t really hold my attention and (embarrassing admission here) it wasn’t until episode 3 that I realised that the partner of Jess, the victim’s best friend, is the local policeman investigating the crime. I had just thought that there were lots of men in the village with beards, but things then made a lot more sense once I had tied up the Steve at home with Jess as the same Steve that is in uniform down at the station…

However, we finally see the crime being played out how it actually happened and the perpetrator being arrested, but I’m still not sure about all the motivations, why did his mum turn him in?

I don’t know whether this show was too clever and complicated for its own good or I just wasn’t paying enough attention…?

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