September 2022 - Culture Consumed

September 2022 - Culture Consumed

Culture Consumed

[icon name="film" prefix="fas"]"Lightyear" - Too long, dragged in the middle but gets better eventually, Sox was great![icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="film" prefix="fas"]"Toy Story 4" - A film I was actually in ignorance of, and was happier that way. Easy to lose track of the plot and they forgot to make it funny but great animation.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"We Begin at the End", Chris Whitaker (Prime reading) - hauntingly beautiful writing with agonising secrets behind every character [icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="headphones-alt" prefix="fas"] [icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"Broadland", David Blake, workman-like police procedural but the 'romance' between the lead characters was just cringey.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="tv" prefix="fas"]"Star Trek - Lower Decks (Season 1)" - Enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would (but needed the subtitles as they talk so fast!)[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="headphones-alt" prefix="fas"] [icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"The Life of an MP", Jess Philips - engaging, entertaining but still not convinced I want to get involved in politics[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="tv" prefix="fas"]"The Dropout" - Astonishing tale, convincingly acted and totally gripping.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"Central Station", Lavie Tidhar - beautifully written and atmospheric but ultimately a bit disappointing with no real narrative arc.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"Bad Blood", John Carreyrou - the real story is even more complicated than the TV and the extra detail makes it a worthwhile read.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"] [icon name="scroll" prefix="fas"]"Unlawful Killing", Her Honour Wendy Joseph QC - a very important book, an insightful, compassionate look at the role of a High Court judge and our judicial system in general. Crying out for a second volume. Should be more widely read.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]

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