October 2022 - Culture Consumed

October 2022 - Culture Consumed

Culture Consumed

[icon name="tv" prefix="fas"]"Star Trek - Lower Decks (Season 2)" - Really liking this - a show with real heart that pokes gentle but reverent fun at its source material while telling its own stories.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="tv" prefix="fas"]"Five Days at Memorial" - Clever, harrowing TV that gave all views equal strength. Maybe an episode too long since I almost gave up after the first 4...[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"The Cult of We - WeWork and the Great Start-Up Delusion", Eliot Brown & Maureen Farrell - Interesting and well written cautionary tale that we will probably relive all over again.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="tv" prefix="fas"]"Star Trek - Lower Decks (Season 3)" - Apart from the annoying episode with Peanut Hamper this season was top notch and the finale was genuinely exciting pulling all the threads together![icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="headphones-alt" prefix="fas"] [icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"The Hidden Beach", Karen Swan - slightly fantastical premise but once beyond a fun read in a convincing Swedish setting.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"] [icon name="scroll" prefix="fas"]"The Apollo Guidance Computer: Architecture and Operation", Frank O'Brien - Great! Lots of detail, interesting facts, just wanted to see a few more actual code samples.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]

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