June 2022 Culture Consumed

June 2022 Culture Consumed

Culture Consumed

[icon name="xbox" prefix="fab"]"Exo One ", (Abandoned) - loved the game mechanics and the visuals, would have liked to explore more but the level with the deep valleys and big trees was just too hard![icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"Bad Actors", Mick Herron - Back on form! (but timeline a bit complex). Fills in some of the missing parts from the previous book[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="tv" prefix="fas"]"The Staircase", - manages to take a complicated and confusing story and make it more so...[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="tv" prefix="fas"]"The Essex Serpent", - Like 'Howards End', if only the characters could connect![icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="book-open" prefix="fas"]"Dune Messiah", Frank Herbert - I continue to be astounded by the depth and immersion of the Dune novels, a work of genius.[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]
[icon name="tablet-alt" prefix="fas"]"Monument Valley II" - as beautiful and beguiling as the original[icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"][icon name="star" prefix="fas"]

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